Magazine Writers

December 13, 2024

100 years of writing for the movie industry; these are some of the people who dipped their quills into ink pots and wrote about Hollywood & Co:

A. L. Wooldridge
Adela Rogers St. Johns
Adelaide Parmeter
Adele Whitely Fletcher
Alma Talley
Arthur Williams
B. F. Zeidman
Barbara Barry
Barbara Beach
Barbara Little
Ben Maddox
Betty Standish
Caroline Bell
Charles Henry Steele
Daniel Teago
David Arnold
David J. Hanna
Dena Reed
Dick Willis
Donald Henderson Clarke
Doris Denbo
Dorothy Calhoun
Dorothy Donnell
Dorothy Herzog
Dorothy Manners
Dorothy Spensley
E. J. Smithson
E. R. Thompson
Edward Nagle
Edwin Schallert
Elisabeth Goldbeck
Elizabeth Lonergan
Ellen Woods
Elza Schallert
Pearl Gaddis
Esther Meade
Evelyn Gray
Faith Baldwin
Faith Service
Forrest Winship
Frances Denton
Frances Rule
Frederick Lewis
Fritzi Remont
Gene Schrott
Gladys Hall
Grace Halton
Grace Kingsley
Gunnar Norberg
H. H. Van Loan
Hal Whitehead
Hale Horton
Harriet Parsons
Harry Carr
Helen Klumph
Helen Louise Walker
Helen Ogden
Herbert Cruikshank
Herbert Howe
Hilary Lynn
Homer Croy
Howard Sharpe
Ida Zeitlin
Irene Thirer
Jack Grant
Jack Jamison
James Fidler
Jeanne de Kolty
Jerome Shorey
Jerry Asher
Jim Tully
Joan Jordan
John Godfrey
John Kent
John Ringo Graham
John Schwarzkopf
Karen Hollis
Katherine Albert
Kay Osborn
Kenneth McGaffey
Kirtley Baskette
Lee Blackstock
Lillian Conlon
Louella Parsons
Louis Lee Arms
Lucille Bryers
Mabel Condon
Madge Tennant
Malcolm H. Oettinger
Margaret Angus
Margaret B. Ringnalda
Margaret Ettinger
Margaret Mary Joslyn
Margaret Reid
Marguerite Sheridan
Marjorie Manners
Marjorie Wright
Martha Kerr
Mary Sharon
Mary Watkins Reeves
Mary Winship
Max Breen
Myrene Wentworth
Myrtle Gebhart
Nan Campbell
Nanette Kutner
Nickolas Muray
Patricia Keats
Paul Grant
Peter White
Ramon Romero
Randolph Bartlett
Robert Eichberg
Robert Joseph
Rosa Reilly
Russell Ferguson
Ruth Biery
Ruth Dryden
Ruth Waterbury
Samuel Richard Mook
Sara Hamilton
Sonia Lee
Sydney Valentine
Terry Ramsaye
Thyra Samter Winslow
Whitney Williams