Vintage Movie Resources
Naomi Childers — Future Tense (1921) 🇺🇸
A player whose distinguished work has brought her renown, feels that her real success still lies ahead of her.
Romances of Famous Film Folk — King Vidor and Florence Vidor (1921) | 🇺🇸
Alice Calhoun — A Home-Made Star (1921) 🇺🇸
Long before she saw a studio Alice Calhoun was destined to be a star, because she couldn’t be anything else.
Marguerite Clark — You Can’t Tell Marguerite (1921) 🇺🇸
Friends have tried to warn and advise Marguerite Clark, but she never heeded until her public spoke.
Florence Reed — The Allure of the East (1921) 🇺🇸
Helen Jerome Eddy — We’d Hate to Eat Her Biscuits! (1921) 🇺🇸
Helen Jerome Eddy, Ireland’s Mona Lisa, doesn’t like to cook. Bang goes another tradition!
Florence Vidor — Old Lives for New (1921) 🇺🇸
Ralph Ince — Shopping for Human Beings (1921) 🇺🇸
After diligently searching for exact types for his production, Ralph Ince has decided that a bit of faded silk is not half as hard to match as human characteristics, or mental outlook.
Those Cowless Cowboys (1921) 🇺🇸
Oh, those cowless cowboys of the motion pictures! Those guys that go ‘round all dolled up like a merry-go-round in the cowboy scenery, but who never seem to have any work to do!
Bryant Washburn — The Road to London (1921) 🇺🇸
Bryant Washburn traveled many miles in order to make a screen play in a real English setting.
Mary Thurman — From a Beacher to a Feature (1921) 🇺🇸
It is only a step from a one-piece bathing suit to evening dress if Nature has been kind.
Pauline Starke — Fine Feathers and Ambition (1921) 🇺🇸
Beautiful clothes play no small part in Pauline Starke’s affections, but her success has all been achieved without their artful aid.
Hope Hampton — “The Worldly Hope” (1921) 🇺🇸
Marjorie Daw — in Love (1921) 🇺🇸
Lois Weber— What Do Men Need? (1921) 🇺🇸
Max Linder — Don’t Change Your Language (1921) 🇺🇸
So our well-known interviewer advises, but though she did that very thing she managed to learn several interesting things about Max Linder.
Carol Dempster — D. W. Griffith Presents — (1921) 🇺🇸
Unusual Carol Dempster in an unusual way.
Pauline Frederick — Adventures in Emotion (1921) 🇺🇸
There is no more skillful emotional screen actress than Pauline Frederick: in this interview she tells how she feels when enacting the tense moments in her plays.
James Rennie — The Master of Spanish Love (1921) 🇺🇸
You know that James Rennie is Dorothy Gish’s husband, but there are other interesting things about him that this story will tell you.
Catherine Calvert — More Genuine Than Usual (1921) 🇺🇸
Glorian Swanson — Gloria with Reservations (1921) 🇺🇸
Because she believes that the public should know only her screen personality.