Virginia Grey (Who’s Who at MGM, 1937) 🇺🇸

Virginia Grey is a Hollywood girl, second generation of picture makers, for her father was Ray Grey, comedy director.
Born and reared in the atmosphere of the picture business, Virginia naturally turned to the screen very early in life. To prepare herself, she studied dancing as one of the famous Meglin kiddies. She later became so proficient in the art that she taught at the same dancing school.
At nine, she was playing bits and parts, most important of which, at that age, was her Little Eva in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
An expert dancer, she applied for and was accepted as one of the Glorified Girls in The Great Ziegfeld. She was remembered when the studio was seeking a stand-in for Madge Evans. She was kept on as stand-in for Florence Rice.
Her break came when she was cast for the leading feminine role in the Miniature Musical, “Violets in Spring” opposite George Murphy. Her work in this short subject was so outstanding that she was signed to a term contract at M-G-M and played in “Old Hutch.”
Glorified Girl
Although she is still heart-whole and fancy-free, this nineteen-year-old miss has definite ideas about the qualities a “boy-friend” must possess. The youth of her choice, she says, must be a six-foot brunette with black (very black) hair; American; athletic.
She disagrees with Marlene Dietrich’s declaration that American men have no gallantry, or polish. “Perhaps American boys aren’t the hand-kissing, heel-clicking, bowing-from-the-waist type, she asserts, “But they have an inbred gallantry and chivalry which speak in their actual deeds of kindness, consideration and comradeship. Hand-kissing manners are nothing but trained-dog tricks; the American’s gentleness, manliness and strength of character are inbred, natural and genuine.”
Virginia is a blue-eyed blonde; five feet, four inches tall, and weighs 120 pounds. She was born in Hollywood and educated in North Hollywood high school. She was born March 22.
After being picked as the most beautiful girl in The Great Ziegfeld, it was only natural that William Anthony McGuire, who was an associate of the master showman and who wrote the picture about him, should watch the career of the youngster. Finally, he saw her progress from the “stand-in” stage to a leading lady in short subjects. Then he knew she was ready for featured roles. As a result she was awarded the role of Ray Bolger’s sweetheart in Rosalie.
Born In Hollywood
Most of her fan mail comes from girls living in Hollywood. They always ask the same question:
“How is it possible to get a break in pictures if you’re a local girl?”
Virginia doesn’t know the answer, except she will admit that it takes twice as much time and work to get a break if one is born and reared among the shadows of the studio lights.
She drives her own car, lives in a small Hollywood apartment, does her own cooking and, when working, has one date a week, on Saturday night.
Between scenes, she either reads, or sews or knits something for her apartment, which she decorated herself.
When she was a Glorified Girl, she had platinum blonde hair, but now that she’s settled down to a dramatic career, she has allowed the natural brown to return to her tresses.
Her most recent screen appearances were in “Bad Guy” with Bruce Cabot and Rosalie with Nelson Eddy and Eleanor Powell.
Collection: Who’s Who at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (1937)