Tribute to Ida Lupino (1940) 🇺🇸

December 13, 2021

Screenland Honor Page

Tribute to Ida Lupino, who proves herself finest of Hollywood’s younger actresses in “They Drive By Night”.

At last, little Lupino comes into her own. Her brilliantly vicious performance of an unscrupulous siren in “They Drive by Night” inevitably invites comparison with Bette Davis’ Mildred in “Of Human Bondage.” But, barring certain mannerisms, Miss Lupino’s acting is definitely her own. She is one of Hollywood’s few “originals,” and we predict an important career for her if she is smart enough to resist the temptation to “do another Davis.”

Don’t call her “a second Bette Davis”. Ida Lupino in “They Drive By Night” plays a part similar to that enacted by Davis several years ago in ‘’Border Town,” but she has a style all her own. Close-ups above show Lupino in harrowing scenes from the new Warner picture in which she establishes herself as the most promising of all the current crop of screen actresses.

Source: Screenland, October 1940


Glamor Girls Go In For Luxables — Ida Lupino tells you why

“Men Like Luxables!” declares Ida Lupino, “There’s something appealing about bandbox freshness that few men can resist. It’s no trick to have things always spick-and-span — a swish through Lux and they’re lovely as new!”

Leading Hollywood studios insist on this safe care for all delicate washables.’ “Lux protects colors,” says Frank Richardson, wardrobe director at Paramount. “We’re convinced it makes fabrics last longer.”

Lux has none of the harmful alkali many ordinary soaps have. It eliminates cake-soap rubbing, too, that may fade colors or damage threads. Remember, anything safe in water is safe in Lux.

On a vacation from “Artists and Models,” her new picture for Paramount, Ida Lupino wears Hollywood’s beloved slacks. Crisply tailored Luxables fit perfectly into any vacation plans from Maine to California.

White organdy, fresh as a sprig of mint, was made for heart throbs. Lux care will keep your feminine washables romantically lovely all summer long.

Specified in the leading Hollywood Studios

Source: Photoplay, August 1937

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