Ariane Borg (Who’s Who at MGM, 1937) 🇺🇸

Ariane Borg (Who’s Who at MGM, 1937) |

January 08, 2022

Ariane Borg was born August 24, in Roubaix, France. Both her father, Elie Derveaux, and her mother, Clemence, were writers of considerable note on the Continent. At Roubaix College and later at the Lille School of Higher Learning, Miss Borg studied literature with a career in letters in mind.

She traveled extensively, visiting virtually all of the capitals of Europe, then went into Africa and included Cairo, Tunis and Algiers in her wanderings. In London she met D. W. Griffith, who placed her under contract to appear in Broken Blossoms. When the project failed to materialize there, her contract was transferred to Jesse L. Lasky, who induced Miss Borg to go to Hollywood.

U. S. Debut in “Camille”

She has played in two stage productions abroad: Du Haut en Bas, in 1934, and Tovarich, in 1935. She made her American screen debut in Camille for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, with Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor.

It is a foregone conclusion that Miss Borg is definitely on the way to screen distinction. The fact that she was chosen for a picture of such importance is evidence enough. There is, in addition, her rather remarkable background and her striking personality.

Holding a term contract with M-G-M studios, this young French actress has given up wandering over the world to concentrate on a motion picture career.

Widely Traveled

Recalling her childhood, Ariane stated that her earliest memories were of packing or unpacking a trunk. Both her mother and father liked to travel, and felt it was an education for her at the same time, so, as a result, before she was out of school she had covered almost all of Europe and a good part of Africa.

Her favorite color is blue and her favorite dish is caviar. She enjoys the theatre, dancing and bridge for recreation. She likes all flowers and keeps every available space in her home full of seasonal blooms.

Miss Borg admires the works of Molière, Verlaine and the American, DuBose Heyward, who wrote Porgy. As a musician, she is familiar with all the great composers, but she prefers Bach and Cesar Franck. She also enjoys the orchestrations of Toscanini.

Her favorite paintings are by Raphael and Vlaminck, and she likes the illustrations of De Segonzag. While she takes a great deal of interest in the great historical characters of France, she particularly admires Louis XIV.

Expert Horsewoman

She writes long letters in French to her mother and grandmother, describing the many intriguing experiences which she has in Hollywood.

Ariane is an expert horsewoman, a collector of books and paintings, and is especially keen in her accumulation of autographs of authors. Also she plays the violin well and is an excellent dancer.

She is intensely interested in people and life, and is a poet at heart. She loves to take long hikes in the rain to “smell the freshness of the earth.”

Her ambition is to become a successful actress, but she also hopes to retain her equilibrium if she is fortunate enough to reach stardom.

Miss Borg is small and blonde, with deep blue eyes. She finds that life is a most exciting experience.

Critics see in her even features a resemblance to Marlene Dietrich.

Ariane Borg (Who’s Who at MGM, 1937) |

Collection: Who’s Who at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (1937)

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