Underwater! (John Sturges, 1955) 🇺🇸
This is not an advertisement for a one-piece swimming costume, but a poster for John Sturges' film Underwater! featuring the voluptuous actress Jane Russell in her finest attire. In 1955, the bikini (named after the Pacific atoll) had not yet invaded beaches. Since an American law (the Hays Code) forbade the showing of bellybuttons on screen, few actresses, apart from Rita Hayworth or Ava Gardner, dared show themselves in this minimalist outfit.
Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (Robert D. Webb, 1953) 🇺🇸
Today I'm going to talk to you about sponges. Not the sort that frenziedly scratch and scrub away at the dark corners of your bathrooms, but the inoffensive animal species that softly cover the world's ocean beds. Although they do, alas, end up marooned on the edge of an ordinary washbasin, left to their sad, utilitarian fate.
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