My Weakness (1933)
Lilian Harvey | Lew Ayres | Charles Butterworth | Harry Langdon | Sid Silvers | Irene Bentley | Henry Travers | Adrian Rosley | Mary Howard | Irene Ware | Barbara Weeks | Susan Fleming | Marcelle Edwards | Marjorie King | Jean Allen | Gladys Blake | Dixie Francis | David Butler
Silk Hat Kid (1935)
The Sophomore (1929) *
Eddie Quillan | Sally O’Neil | Stanley Smith | Jeanette Loff | Russell Gleason | Sarah Padden | Brooks Benedict | Spec O’Donnell | Walter O’Keefe | Jimmy Aldine | Lew Ayres | Ray Cooke | Stuart Erwin | Dorothy Granger | Marian Marsh | Grady Sutton | Gretta Tuttle | Dorothy Ward | Leo McCarey
The Kiss (1929)
Greta Garbo | Conrad Nagel | Holmes Herbert | Anders Randolf | Lew Ayres | George Davis | André Cheron | William H. Daniels | Jacques Feyder
Common Clay (1930)
East is West (1930)
Lupe Vélez | Lew Ayres | Edward G. Robinson | Tetsu Komai (駒井哲) | Jean Hersholt | Monta Bell
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
Lew Ayres | Louis Wolheim | Arnold Lucy | Ben Alexander | Scott Kolk | Owen Davis | William Bakewell | Russell Gleason | Richard Alexander | Harold Goodwin | Slim Summerville | Beryl Mercer | Heinie Conklin | Lewis Milestone
Iron Man (1931)
Lew Ayres | Robert Armstrong | Jean Harlow | John Miljan | Ned Sparks | Tod Browning
Night World (1932)
Lew Ayres | Mae Clarke | Boris Karloff | Dorothy Revier | Hedda Hopper | George Raft | Bert Roach | Hobart Henley