The Affairs of China Smith (China Smith) (1952)

Collection: TV Guide (Chicago), October 1953
Collection: TV Guide (Chicago), January 1954
Collection: TV Guide (Chicago), January 1954
Collection: TV Guide (Chicago), March 1954
Collection: TV Guide (Chicago), July 1954
- The Bamboo Coffin
- Celestial Pebbles
- The Corpse with the Purple Ear
- Cruise to Colombo
- Curse of the River Gods
- Devil-in-the-Godown
- Dynasty of the Dead
- Espionage Express
- High Sea
- The Jade Trap
- Jungle Dragon
- The Kaprielian Cipher
- Killer in the Kampong
- Kris of Death
- Moon Flower
- My Ship has a Golden Keel
- Pagoda in the Jungle
- The Phantom Sampan
- Port of Thieves
- Shanghai Clipper
- Straight Settlement
- The Tanaka Archive
- The Wondrous Funeral of Sergeant Ko
- Wreath of Poppies
- The Year of the Phoenix
- Zorana the Destroyer
Directed by:
Arthur Pierson | Edward Mann | Robert Aldrich | Gene Fowler Jr. | Leslie Goodwins
Additional Cast:
Ted Hecht | Nestor Paiva | Jean Willes | Philip Tonge | Gil Herman | James Fairfax | Martha Roth | Kristine Miller | Irene Vernon | John Hoyt | Marian Carr | Carmelita Molina | Rita Moreno | Marjorie Lord | Robin Hughes | Philip Van Zandt | Jack Raine | Marc Krah | Marilyn Gorman | Ben Wright | Walter Coy | Paul Guilfoyle | Robert Shafto | Ralph Ahn | Weaver Levy | Marya Marco | Louise Arthur | Ralph Dumke | Suzanne Alexander | Charles Evans | Michael Ansara | Peter Mamakos | Yolanda Ortiz | Claudia Barrett | Lewis L. Russell | Bobker Ben Ali | Richard Hale | Aram Katcher | Patrick Whyte | Charles Rooner | Charles Lung | Renny McEvoy | John Deering | Harold Fong | Dayton Lummis | Lucien Prival | Keith Hitchcock | King Donovan | Jorja Curtright | Edwin Luke | Louis Jean Heydt | Joy Hodges | Lane Nakano | Guy Kingsford | Thomas Browne Henry | Everett Glass | Paul Marion | John Rogers
see also Dan Duryea — Look Who's a Hero! (1955)